INSPIRE Conference 2023
Save the date! Join us on 28-29 November for the INSPIRE 2023 conference “Green data for all”, in Brussels (Borschette Conference Centre) or online.
Registration will open soon! Stay tuned to this page for more details.
Digital transformation brings in new business models, introducing new digital technologies. In a similar way, INSPIRE is changing the way governments and business deal with geospatial data. Unlocking’ geospatial data remains challenging, being the technological aspects the easiest to solve. Continuous interaction between all parties will ensure that investments and ongoing implementation create a sustainable and extensible infrastructure for European and global gains.
The legal INSPIRE Roadmap has come to an end, however the evolution of the infrastructure and the legal framework will continue. To make this process successful we should assure its sustainability by collaboration and partnership with other actors beyond the initial scope of the Directive. Modernisation supported by an improved implementation will render the INSPIRE Directive a key instrument to make the necessary data available needed to address environmental and climate challenges (A Green Deal for Europe), increase environmental democracy, and strengthen the emerging data economy (European Common Data Spaces).
The 2023 INSPIRE conference provides an excellent opportunity to consult the community of stakeholders on the initial findings of the GreenData4All impact assessment and possible policy options for the evolution of the INSPIRE Directive into a key instrument to populate the Green Deal Data Space with relevant data. The conference also aims to bridge the gap between green and digital and wants to bring together the different thematic communities.
Tentative programme
- 2 plenaries with keynote speakers and a panel discussion
- Data and technology enabling the twin green and digital transition.
- GeoAI in support of sustainability
- 15 thematic sessions in 3 conference tracks
- “Green Data for All” will focus on the state of implementation of the INSPIRE Directive, the GreenData4All impact assessment and the evolution of the existing data sharing framework for environmental information. This track is largely targeting the traditional INSPIRE community (Mapping Agencies, Cadastral Agencies, EPA’s, geospatial industry) and bridges the gap to the larger (open) data community. The sessions will also investigate which directions should be considered for the future development of the environmental information and data sharing legislation to be streamlined with digital evolution.
- “The Green Deal Data Space Universe” will explain and discuss the Green Deal Data Space, its links with the other data spaces, possible use cases, the basic concepts of a European Common Data Space, technologies, and initial implementation experiences. Interoperability will be an integral part of the discussion. This second track targets the larger data community and industry.
- “Data in support of the twin green and digital transition” will display practical applications to address Green Deal challenges in the environmental, climate, agricultural, maritime and transport domains. The track targets environmental, geospatial and data stakeholders in public sector, digital single market players and academia. Furthermore, we will explore the possibilities and opportunities to use citizen-generated data (citizen science, consumer consent data from IoT devices) in support of environmental policy development and implementation.