Location Europe -platform for European data users

Webinar 20.3.2024 at 13.00-13.45 (UTC+2)

Welcome to the webinar to hear how to use the Location Europe -platform’s cross-border services and interfaces. This novel test-before-invest environment offers many opportunities for data users, for example to develop green deal-related business such as smart communities/cities and digital twin services.

The webinar is aimed at European data users and businesses wishing to make use of spatial and statistical data produced by European authorities.

What is Location Europe?

The Location Europe data integration platform provides harmonised location data from different countries across Europe. The platform can be used to test and develop data-driven services and tools.

The platform is operated under the Location Innovation Hub and was originally developed in the GeoE3 project.

Webinar programme

·       Location Europe -platform – benefits for users, interview with project manager Antti Jakobsson, National Land Survey of Finland

·       Use case: Searching for solar energy potential, demo with research manager Lassi Lehto, Finnish Geospatial Research Insitute FGI

·       Future of Location Europe platform, final words by Antti Jakobsson

·       Time for questions

Register for the webinar by 19.3.2024: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/EP/68103EA8F6ADB444

More information:

·       www.locationeurope.eu

·       https://locationinnovationhub.eu/en/news/explore-the-location-europe-platform-1365/

·       https://locationinnovationhub.eu/en/news/location-europe-geospatial-datasets-now-cross-borders-seamlessly-1361/




13:00 - 13:45

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Location Innovation Hub