Nordic Climate Forum for Construction 2023

This year’s Nordic Climate Forum for Construction is hosted by the Ministry of Environment of Finland, Aalto University and Green Building Council Finland. It takes place at the Ministry of Environment of Finland in Helsinki, but you can also join online.

Preliminary programme 

10:00 Official opening of the forum

10:15 Session 1: Policies for low carbon construction

Experiences from Nordic policies: What are the first lessons learnt from the climate declarations and limit values? Where are the countries proceeding?

Where will the revisions of the European legislation lead? Update on the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive and Construction Products Regulation

12:00 Lunch 

12:45 Session 2: Carbon budgets for buildings

Alternative approaches to setting carbon budgets for buildings: what does the science say?

How can the built environment support carbon neutrality?

Can digitalisation help for keeping track on life cycle emissions?

14:30 Coffee break 

15:00 Session 3: The business of carbon neutral construction

What requirements does the changing legislation set for companies?

Business cases from the Nordic countries

17:00 End of forum

Stay tuned for the final programme and keynote speakers 

Time and place:

Time: 10.00-17.00 (local time)

Place: Aleksanterinkatu 7, Helsinki, Finland

Sign-up here

The event will be held in English.




10:00 - 15:00

Lisää tietoa

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