Seminar: Geospatial modelling of urban dynamics and sustainability
Urban areas are growing rapidly in Finland, Europe, China and especially in Africa, which creates challenges for green spaces, traffic, air quality and urban planning. University of Helsinki has focused on land use mapping and urban sustainability and accessibility research in cooperation with Finnish Environment Institute, National Land Survey and Wuhan University, China. Welcome to hear about the outcomes and current focus of the research!
27.2.2024, 16.00-19.00
Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, meeting rooms (Mariankatu 5 A, 2nd floor, Helsinki)
Group of Geosciences, Finnish Academy of Science and Letters
Pre-registration 23 February the latest: electronic form
Seminar is open for public, welcome! The attendance capacity is for 40 participants. Seminar language is English. Coffee and snacks are provided.
- Opening
Professor Petri Pellikka, University of Helsinki, Earth Change Observation Lab
- Towards more sustainable, equitable and healthier cities
Professor Tuuli Toivonen, University of Helsinki, Digital Geography Lab - Global Urban Remote Sensing Information Intelligent Interpretation
Professor Yanfei Zhong, Wuhan University, State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing - Long-term monitoring of urban form in Finland
Dr. Vuokko Heikinheimo, Suomen Ympäristökeskus - Capturing greenery of urban travel environments – a pan-European comparison
Dr. Elias Willberg, University of Helsinki, Digital Geography Labb - Cross Station Continual Aurora Image Classification
Mr. Jingjun Yi, Wuhan University, State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing - Cyclable cities with personal-level location data
Professor Juha Oksanen, National Land Survey, Finnish Geospatial Research Institute - Understanding dynamics and diversity of cities and regions: a human mobility perspective from big data
Dr. Olle Järv, University of Helsinki, Digital Geography Lab