Winter Satellite Workshop 2024 with Remote Sensing Days and FinCOSPAR

The Winter Satellite Workshop is successor of the Finnish Satellite Workshop, the biggest New Space meeting in Finland, Scandinavia and the Baltic countries. It brings together space tech specialists, scientists and students to discuss current topics in a rapidly developing space field. The scope is set on New Space, small satellite missions, small satellite platform development, space science and instruments, Earth Observation and sustainable utilization of space. Our Business EXPO brings together regional market leaders of space and EO business to popular three day exposition which will have hundreds of visitors. Be quick and secure your booth ticket in time, as we can accomodate only 40 companies.

The event is known for its friendly community and great social events. We have no registation fee for participants!

Remote Sensing Days

Over 25 yers, the Finnish Remote Sensing Club has arranged a workshop, called Finnish Remote Sensing Days. The event has brought together specialists all over Scandinavia and Baltic states to discuss the latest advancements in the fields and developing ideas for next space instruments and funding applications. Since 2020 Remote Sening Days have been organized together with Satellite Workshop.

FinCOSPAR 2024

The XIX meeting of Finnish space research, FinCOSPAR is arranged together with WSW2024. The committee on Space Research (COSPAR) was established by the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) in 1958. The ICSU resolution creating COSPAR was to “provide the world scientific community with the means whereby it may exploit the possibilities of satellites and space probes of all kinds for scientific purposes, and exchange the resulting data on a cooperative basis.” The Finnish National Committee of COSPAR has participated in the international and national co-operation of scientific space research since 1964.



17. - 19.01.2024


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Dipoli, Espoo